
German Journal of Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST Latest Progress in the Preparation of Triphenyl by Directional Hydrogenolysis of Aromatic Plastics 

Recently, cooperated with Shanghai Institute of Advanced Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ECUST catalytic reaction engineering team,  made new progress in the research on the preparation of triphenyl by directional catalytic hydrogenolysis of aromatic plastics. The related research article was published in the German Journal of Applied Chemistry (Hot Paper) with the title “Ruthenium/TiO2-Catalyzed Hydrogenolysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate: Reaction Pathways Dominated by Coordination Environment”.

The article is co-first-authored by Master Candidate Ye Mingxing, Doctoral Candidate Li Yurou and Dr. Yang Zhirong and corresponding-authored by Professor Zhang Jing, specially appointed researcher Cao Yueqiang of the catalytic reaction engineering team of ECUST, and Li Lina, a researcher of the Shanghai Institute of Advanced Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research work of this paper has received careful guidance from Professor Zhou Xinggui and valuable suggestions from Professor Wang Yanqin and Dr. Jing Yaxuan in the experiment. The research work has been financially supported by National Key R&D Plan, National Natural Science Foundation Project and Shanghai Natural Science Foundation Project.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237