
Several Research Articles Published in Physics Reports and CVPR 

Recently, the School of Information Science and Engineering has published several research articles on complex systems and artificial intelligence in Physics Reports, the top journal of international physics and interdisciplinary science, and CVPR 2023, the top conference of international computer vision (CCF-A recommended by china computer federation) with titles of “Signal propagation in complexnetworks” “VL-SAT: Visual-Linguistic Semantics Assisted Training for 3D Semantic Scene Graph Prediction in Point Cloud” and “EMT-NAS: Transferring architectural knowledge between tasks from different datasets” respectively. These publication shows the latest research achievements of the School of Information in the frontier field of artificial intelligence and interdisciplinary fields. 

The authors of the above-mentioned achievements published in Physics Reports include Professor Tang Yang from School of Information, and those published in CVPR 2023, the top international conference on computer vision, include Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Professor Jin Yaochu from IEEE Fellow, and National High-level Talents Professor Du Wenli and Professor Tang Yang. The research work has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation’s Basic Science Center Project, the National Key R&D Program Project, the National Natural Science Foundation's Key Project, the National High-level Talents Program and the Shanghai Frontier Scientific Research Base. 


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237