
German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST Research on Vibration-induced Luminescence Mechanism

Recently, the research team of Academician Tian He from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST and the Joint Research Center of Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists have made important progress again in the research on the mechanism of vibration-induced luminescence (VIE). The related research article “Sequential Multistep Excited-State Structural Transformations in N,N′-Diphenyl-dihydrodibenzo[a,c]phenazine Fluorophores”  was published in German Applied Chemistry.

This research work was mainly completed by doctoral candidate Jin Xin under the guidance of Academician Tian He and Professor Zhang Zhiyun, and received help from Professor Qu Dahui, Professor Su Jianhua and Dr Cong Muyu. Professor Chen Gequan and Dr. Wang Xueli of East China Normal University in the femtosecond transient absorption spectrum. The research has been financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the Frontier Science Center of the Ministry of Education of Materials Biology and Dynamic Chemistry, the Shanghai Science and Technology Major Project, the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, and the Feringa Nobel Prize Scientists Joint Research Center.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237