
Cell Discovery Publishes Online ECUST important progress of protein labeling and imaging of living cells

Recently, the research team of Yang Yi/Zhu Linyong/Chen Xianjun from the School of Pharmacy, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, and the Interdisciplinary Research Center of optogenetics and Synthetic Biology, ECUST, made important progress in the study of protein labeling and imaging of living cells, and published a research article entitled “Design of a palette of SNAP-tag mimics of fluorescent proteinsand their use as cell reporters” in Cell Discovery.

The article is first authored by Zhang Dasheng, Chen Zhengda, Du Zengmin, Bao Bingkun and Dr. Su Ni, and co-corresponding authored by Professor Zhu Linyong, Professor Yang Yi and Professor Chen Xianjun. The research has been financially supported by the National Key R&D Plan, the National Natural Science Foundation, the optogenetics Technology Frontier Research Base of Cell Metabolism, and the National Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237