
Journal of Hazardous Materials Publishes ECUST Latest Research in Micro-interface Enhanced Heterogeneous Separation

Recently, Journal of Hazardous Materials, a well-known journal in the field of environmental engineering, published a research article entitled “Facile construction of multifunctional bio-aerogel forefficient separation of surfactant-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions and co-existing organic pollutant”, which is the latest research result in the field of micro-interface enhanced heterogeneous separation of associate researcher Wang Bingjie, a member of Professor Bai Zhishan’s research team.

The article is first authored by Wang Bingjie, an associate researcher specially appointed by the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,ECUST,  with East China University of Science and Technology as the only academic affiliation. The research work was completed with the cooperation of master cadidate Zhang Hanyu and master graduate Tian Tao, and was under careful  guidance from Professor Bai Zhishan. The research work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, Shanghai Young Scientific Talents Sailing Program and China Postdoctoral Science Fund.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237