
Nature Communications Publishes ECUST New Research Progress of Nano-pesticides

Recently, the team of Professor Xu Yisheng from the School of Chemical Engineering and Professor Huang Qingchun from the School of Pharmacy, ECUST made new progress in the design and regulation of new nano-pesticides, and the related research article was published in Nature Communications with the title of “Deposition and Water Repelling of Temperature-Responsive Nano-pesticides on Leaves”.

The article is first authored by Master candidate Tang Jie and is corresponding authored by Professor Xu Yisheng with the School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, as the only academic affiliation. The research has received guidance and assistance from Professor Yang Dahai from the School of Biological Engineering. The research work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the National Key R&D Program International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Project.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237