
ACS Nano Publishes ECUST Research Progress in Targeted Remodeling of Extracellular Matrix Microenvironment of Pulmonary Fibrosis 

Recently, the research team of Professor Gao Feng and Associate Professor Chen Yanzuo from School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology reported a fibroblast-derived exosome/lipid hybrid nanodrug delivery system (GPQ-EL-DNP) which was loaded with mitochondrial uncoupler 2,4- dinitrophenol (DNP) and modified by GPQGIAGQR(GPO)4GG(GPQ), and combined with biological hyperthermia to reshape extracellular matrix (ECM) micro-drug delivery system.

The related research article was published online in the international authoritative journal ACS Nano with the title of “Biological Hyperthermia -Inducing Nano particles for Specific Remodeling of the Extracellular Matrix Micro environment Enhance Pro-Apoptotic Therapy in Fibrosis” . It is co-first authored by Zhang Jinru and Ji Keqin, Master candidates of class 2020, and is co-corresponding authored by Professor Gao Feng and Professor Chen Yanzuo. The research has been financially supported by Shanghai Optogenetics Technology Frontier Scientific Research Base of Cell Metabolism and National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shanghai Natural Science Foundation.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237