
Nature Metabolism Publishes ECUST-CAS Cooperative Research Breakthrough on Metabolic Remodeling and Aging Delaying 

Recently, Professor Zhao Yuzheng from School of Pharmacy, State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, ECUST, and optogenetics Technology Frontier Research Base of Cell Metabolism in Shanghai, and researcher Sun Yu from Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Academy of Sciences, co-published a research article entitled “PDK 4-Dependent Typecatabolism and Latte Production of Senescent Cells Promotes Cancer Malignancy” in the international authoritative academic journal Nature Metabolism. It is reported that pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4(PDK4) is the key target of metabolic reprogramming of aging cells. Inhibition of PDK4 can alleviate the body dysfunction caused by aging and it brings new hope for delaying aging.

This article is co-corresponding authored by Professor Zhao Yuzheng from ECUST university and researcher Sun Yu from Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, China Academy of Sciences. The research work has received support from Judith Campisi, Buck Institute of Aging, Li Qingfeng, Ninth People’s Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Wei Xiaoling, Stomatological Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, and Zhang Guilong, Binzhou Medical College. The research work is supported by national key R&D plan, National Natural Science Foundation, optogenetics Technology Frontier Research Base of Cell Metabolism in Shanghai, Medical and Health Science and Technology Innovation Project of China Academy of Medical Sciences, and Shanghai Science and Technology Commission.


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