
PNAS Publishes ECUST New Progress in Research of Vascularized Biomaterials

Recently, the research group of Academician Liu Changsheng and Professor Wang Jing of ECUST has made new progress in the research of efficiently inducing functional blood vessels in the process of in-situ tissue regeneration, and found that heparin-like sulfonated chitosan oligosaccharide (SCOS) regulates the new law of host macrophages to induce arterial angiogenesis, and realizes the rapid induction and effective treatment of arterial blood vessels in acute ischemic diseases such as lower limb ischemia and myocardial infarction. The research article was published in PNAS with the title “Sulfatedoligosaccharide Activates Endothelial Notch for Inducing Macrophage-associated Arteriogenesisto Treat Ischemic Diseases”.

The research article is first authored by Post-Doctoral fellow Yu Yuanman, a winner of “New Doctoral Talents Plan” of ECUST, and co-corresponding authored by Professor Wang Jing and Academician Liu Changsheng. This research work has been financially supported by the Basic Science Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the 111 Talent Introduction Program, and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237