
Laser & Photonics Reviews Publishes ECUST Breakthrough  of Programming Dual-color Circularly Polarized Luminescence with Self-organized Soft Photonichelix 

Recently, Laser & Photonics Reviews, an authoritative journal in the field of optics, published the latest research progress made by Professor Zheng Zhigang's research group in realizing programmable two-color circularly polarized luminescence by self-assembling soft photon spiral with the title “Programming dual-color circularly polarized luminescence with self-organized soft photonichelix”.

The research work was mainly completed by Dr. Liu Xuan from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, ECUST, under the guidance of Professor Zheng Zhigang, with Professor Zheng Zhigang from the School of Physics and Dr. Hu Honglong from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering as corresponding authors. This research has been supported by the national key R&D plan, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, major projects of scientific and technological innovation in Shanghai, Shanghai Shuguang Plan and other projects.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237