
Journal of American Chemical Society Publishes ECUST Research Achievement of Designing DNA-based Sensing Toolbox for Programming Cell Functions

Recently, the research group of Professor Ye Bangtse from the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of East China University of Science and Technology has made great progress in the design of DNA sensing devices and the research of biological nano-hybrid systems. The published a research paper entitled “Universal DNA-based Sensing Toolbox for Programming Cell Functions” in the international authoritative journal Journal of American Chemical Society. In this work, nano-mechanical-natural hybrid cells are constructed, which endows natural cells with the ability of perception, analysis and processing of non-traditional signal molecules, and realizes reprogramming of various biological functions.

The article is co-first authored by Associate Researcher Ma Peiqiang and Master candidate Huang Fuwen, and corresponding authored by Professor Yin Bincheng. The research work has received guidance and support from Professor Ye Bangtse of the School of Bioengineering. The research is financially supported by the National Key R&D plan, the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, the key projects of Shanghai Bio-manufacturing Industry Collaborative Innovation Center, and the special funds for basic scientific research business expenses of central universities.


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