
Nature Food Publishes ECUST Research on Resilience of Nitrogen-phosphorus Coupled Circulation Network

Recently, cooperated with the research team of Professor Hu Shanying from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Tsinghua University, Associate Professor Yu Yadong from the School of Business, ECUST, made important progress in the research on the resilience of nitrogen-phosphorus coupled circulation network. The research article titled “Decreasing resilience of China’s coupled nitrogen-phosphorus cycling network requires urgent action” was published in the internationally renowned journal Nature Food.

In respond to this article, Nature Food specially invited Dr. Vilma Sandström from Aalto University in Finland to write a review article entitled “Systems perspective reveals interconnections in nitrogen and phosphorus flows”, arguing that the analysis of nitrogen-phosphorus coupling flow in this paper reveals the synergy and trade-off effect between food system and energy system.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237