
 German Applied Chemistry Publishes ECUST Research on Synthesis of Amines with Contiguous Stereocenters 

Recently, the research article of Professor Zheng Gaowei from the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of East China University of Science and Technology was published in German Applied Chemistry with the title of “An engineered mine reduction for high dia stereo-and enabling synthesis of β -branched amines with contiguous stereocenters”.

This paper is first-authored by Zhu Zhenyu, a doctoral student in the School of Bioengineering, ECUST and co-corresponding authored by Professor Zheng Gaowei and Associate Professor Chen Qi of ECUST. The research work has been funded by the national key R&D plan, and the National Natural Science Fund.  


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237