
History of ECUST

In October, 1952  East China Institute of Chemical Technologywas founded with the approval of the central government. It was the firstsingle-subject chemical institute in China and was formed through theconsolidation of the chemical departments of Jiaotong University, AuroraUniversity, Utopia University, Soochou University and Jiangnan University. Theinstitute was first located on 195Zhengfa Rd, Jiangwan District in Shanghai,the campus of the former School of Science of Tongji University. ProfessorZhang Jiangshu, a distinguished educator and highly accomplished chemist, wasappointed as the President of the institute.


In July, 1954  Moved to the Meilong District. The campus had38500 m2 in building space for classrooms, offices, and dormitories.


In November, 1956  Received permission to admit graduatestudents. Simultaneously began to enroll international students.


In October, 1960  Promoted to one of the national keyuniversities of the Ministry of Higher Education.


In January, 1965  The institute, Beijing University, TsinghuaUniversity and Nanjing University were the four key universities ordered by thegovernment to build branch campuses in the hinterland of China. The institute’ssouthwest branch was established in Zigong, Sichuan Province.


In April, 1972  Began admitting students from workers,peasants, and soldiers .


In December,  1977 Began admitting regular undergraduates and postgraduates again with theresumption of the National College Entrance Examination.


In November, 1981  By the authority of the State Department, theuniversity began acceptingdoctoral students in Chemical Engineering and fourother disciplines.


In November, 1985  Established the first batch of researchstations that offer postdoctoral fellowships: Chemical Engineering PostdocStation and Industrial Chemistry Postdoc Station.


In February, 1993  The National Ministry of Education approvedthe renaming of the university as the East China University of Science andTechnology (ECUST).


In June, 1996  Was selected as one of the national 211Project universities.


In June, 2000  Started running the Graduate School, whichwas formally established later in June 2004.


In March, 2002  As one of the experimental institutes formodern long-distance education approved by the Ministry of Education, theSchool of Online Education of ECUST was established at ECUST.


In December, 2005  ECUST Science Park was established.


In February, 2006  The university began enrollment of MPAstudents.


In November, 2006  The School of International Education wasestablished.


In July, 2007  The new campus at Fengxian was put into use.


In October, 2008 “Clean and Efficient Useof Coal and Key technologies of Petrochemical Industry” was included in thenational “985 Project Innovation Platform”.


In September, 2009  The first EMBA opening ceremony was held.


In December, 2013  Chemical Engineering and Process Technologyis certified by the American ABET (Accredition Board of Engineering andTechnology).


In December, 2014  Tu Shandong’s project “Design, Manufactureand Maintenance of Important Pressure Vessels under Extreme Conditions” won thefirst prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.


In March, 2015  Du Huifang and Qu Jingping were transferredto the school as the party secretary and principal.


In July, 2017  The three disciplines of chemistry, materialsscience and engineering, chemical engineering and technology have been listedin the “Double-First class”( first-class disciplines) construction plan.


In October, 2017  Feringa Joint Research Center for Nobel PrizeScientists was establised, named after Professor Bernard L. Feringa, 2016 Nobellaureate in Chemistry.  


In July, 2019  Based on the agreement signed by ouruniversity and University of Huddersfield, Confucius Institute of Science andTechnology Innovation was founded at the University of Huddersfield. It is theworld’s first Confucius institute to theme innovation in science andtechnology.


In January , 2020  International Academy of Engineers for Excellencewas established. 


In December, 2020  Xuan Fuzhen was appointed president of EASTChina University of Science and Technology by the Ministry of EducationP.R.China.

East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237