
Key Laboratories

1State Key  Laboratory of Chemical Engineering
2State Key Laboratory  of Bioreactor Engineering
3National Engineering  Research Center of Ultrafine Powder
4National Center  of Bio-Engineering&Technology(Shanghai)
5National Engineering  Research Center for Intergrated Utilization of Salt Lake Resources
6Mobilization Center  of National Biomedical Materials
7International Joint  Research Center of Green Energy Chemical Engineering
8MOE Joint  International Research Laboratory for Precision Chemistry and Molecular  Engineering
9Joint  International Research Laboratory of Smart and Optimal Manufacturing for  Petrochemical Industry
10Frontiers  Science Center for Materiobiology and Dynamic Chemistry
11State  Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Risk Assessment and  Control on Chemical Process
12National  Energy Coal Gasification Technology Research and Development Center
13Key  Laboratory for Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases (KLCAAD)
14Key Laboratory for  Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education
15Key Laboratory for  Advanced Materials
16Key  Laboratory of Pressure Systems and Safety Ministry of Education
17Key  Laboratory of Smart Manufacturing in Energy Chemical Process,Ministry of  Education
18Key  Laboratory of Specially Functional Polymeric Materials and Related Technology  (Ministry of Education)
19Engineering  Research Center for Biomedical Materials of Ministry of Education
20Engineering  Research Center of Large Scale Reactor Engineering and Technology, Ministry  of Education
22Engineering  Research Center of Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry
23Engineering  Research Center of Salt Lake Resources Process Engineering, Ministry of  Education
24Engineering  Center of Efficient Green Process Equipment and Energy Conservation, Ministry  of Education
25Engineering  Research Center of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
26Shanghai Key  Laboratory of Chemical Biology
27Shanghai Key  Laboratory of Advanced PolymericMaterials
28Shanghai  Key Laboratory of Multiphase Materials Chemical Engineering
29Shanghai Key  Laboratory of Functional Materials Chemistry
30Shanghai Key  Laboratory of New Drug Design
31Shanghai  Key Laboratory of Intelligent Sensing and Detection Technology
32Engineering  Research Center of Smart Manufacturing in the Process Industry
33Shanghai  Engineering Research Center of Maricultured Animal Vaccines
34Shanghai Engineering  Research Center of Coal Gasification
35Shanghai Engineering  Research Center of Hierarchical Structure Nanomaterials
36Shanghai  Engineering Research Center for Multi-media Environmental Catalysis and  Resource Utilization
37Petroleum  and Chemical Industry Environmental Protection Engineering Center for  Petrochemical Waste Physical Separation and Recycling
38Shanghai  Collaborative innovation Center for Biomanufacturing Technology
39Shanghai  Collaborative innovation Center of High-end Equipment Reliability
40Shanghai  Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Aerospace Resin-based Composites
41Shanghai  Frontiers Science Center of Optogenetic Techniques for Cell Metabolism
42Shanghai  Frontiers Science Center of Industrial Intelligence and Smart Systems
43Joint  International Laboratory for Precision Chemistry
44Joint  International Laboratory for Potassium and Lithium Strategic Resources  
45Shanghai  Technology Innovation Center of Smart Process Manufacturing
46Key  Laboratory of Biobased Material Engineering of China Light Industry
47Key  Laboratory of biocatalysis and intelligent manufacturing,China National Light  Industry
48Key  Laboratory of Power Battery Systems and Safety (CPCIF)

East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237